White Hat Ball

P1000678copy_crop640wThe venue was the Lancaster Hotel in London. The event was the NSPCC’s fundraising “White Hat Ball.” This was just a few days after Sir James Munby, one of the country’s top judges, pointed out in a recent judgement that some forms of FGM (female genital mutilation) were less damaging that male circumcision (MGM). The authorities will eventually have to recognise that if you cannot photograph a child’s genitals; you cannot tattoo a child and you cannot touch a child’s genitals, except for cleaning or medical examination, then how is it possible that society can permit the excision of healthy tissue from the genitals of any child, boy, girl or intersex?

3 thoughts on “White Hat Ball”

  1. Sir James Munby is in fact the President of the Family Law Division. Family Law Week has reported this week that ‘Government to introduce mandatory reporting of FGM’ see:


    “The Home Office will now introduce a new mandatory reporting duty through amendments to the Serious Crime Bill. The proposed duty will:
    Apply in cases of ‘known’ FGM (i.e. instances which are disclosed by the victim and/or are visually confirmed).
    Be limited to victims under 18.
    Apply to all regulated healthcare and social care professionals, and teachers.
    Require reports to be made to the police within one month of initial disclosure/identification.”

    How easy would it be to include MGM? The Government appear not to be interested in protecting boys, only girls.

    Bedfordshire Men’s Forum

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